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I’m a Vendor – am I allowed to join the Thursday sessions?Yes! If you did not register for any of the sessions, you may join any room at any time, provided there is an open chair (with the exception of the SEALS teams. You must be pre-registered and assigned to a SEALS session)
Where are meals served?Breakfasts are served at the Embassy Suites Atrium restaurant from 6am to 8am on Thursday and Friday. Lunch Buffets are set up in the Vendor’s Foyer outside the Ballroom, with eating inside the Ballroom.
If I can't find Jeff, who should I reach out to?Some one should always be the CIA/Summit Central Command Center Registration Desk in the Foyer. Jeff’s cell phone is 912-313-9943. Otherwise, look for any Board Member with a gold print on black ribbon below their name badge.
Why can’t the closet franchises attend?Franchises have their own support and networking structure. Independents have the CIA and Closet Summit.
How do we get to the offsite activities?Two tour coaches (110 seats) are available at the Main Conference Center Entrance at 4:15pm on Thursday afternoon, October 24th. Many are driving themselves and have room for additional Summiteers. Ask around. Addresses for the tours are found on your Summit Itinerary.
What is the difference between the Summit and Woodworking Network’s ClosetCon event in the Spring?The Closet Summit is a two-day conference with a Vendor Expo embedded into the entire event. The Woodworking Network event is a two Vendor Expo with a closet conference tacked on the day before the Expo.
What if I don’t see my name/assignment in a session for Thursday?You may join any room at any time, provided there is an open chair (with the exception of the SEALS teams. You must be pre-registered and assigned to a SEALS session).
Why is the Summit relocated every year?Many factors come into play when selecting a site for the Summit. One of the primary concerns is the showroom and shop tour. We must have a volunteer host (no financial obligation) willing to receive hundreds of Summiteers visiting their facility on a Thursday afternoon.
Where are we doing after hours sessions?The Embassy Suites Rocky River Terrace Bar is the official watering hole for Closet University Night School extra credits.
What is the itinerary?It is handed out with your badge on Wednesday night, it appears on your WIX APP, and you can find it at our webpage:
Why do you allow Vendors to attend? Why not keep it strictly a conference?The Vendors underwrite a large cost of producing a Closet Summit. Without them, your registration fees would be double what you paid.
What is the Wifi code?Wifi code will be made available on the Ballroom projector screen at the start of Wednesday evening’s Vendorama Meet, Greet & Eat Happy Hours 5:30pm to 9pm.
This is my first Summit, am I the only newbie?Hardly, there are approximately 50 first-timers. The number on your badge indicates how many Summits have been attended. #1 means this is the first Summit.
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